About the Free Company

  • fc nameㅤㅤThe Urchin Army

  • tagㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤUA-RP

  • age rangeㅤㅤㅤ18+

  • tiimezoneㅤㅤㅤGMT-5

  • grand companyㅤMaelstrom

The Urchin Army is an 18+ free company located on Mateus in Final Fantasy XIV Online. While our free company is, from an in-character standpoint, an anti-establishment, anti-crime, and anti-slavery organization, but the nature of role-play we exist in the same sphere.This means if you join the Urchin Army, you may be exposed to dark-themed or criminally-themed role-play. In the world outside of our online game we expect all players to abide by local laws, and the enjoyment of exploring these themes in role-play does not mean players enjoy it out-of-character.


  • DO NOTㅤtalk RL politics

  • DO NOTㅤshare racist or hatefulㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤworldviews/opinions

  • DO NOTㅤcreate minor characters

  • DO NOTㅤengage in rp with minors ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤor minor-aged characters

  • DO NOTㅤcarry grudges

  • DO NOTㅤcreate character concepts ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤwith major lore-bending ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤconcepts

  • DOㅤapply if 18 years or older

  • DOㅤdevelop a character concept

  • DOㅤattend FC events

  • DOㅤhelp each other often

  • DOㅤrespect boundaries

  • DOㅤbe open to communication

  • DOㅤrespect game lore

  • DOㅤjoin our discord community

  • disclaimerㅤAs a role-play free company that fights against the system, corruption, slavery, and crime, we engage in the world of criminal role-play. We do not engage in any role-play that involves minor players, minor characters. We further do not endorse this type of behaviour outside of the game.

  • join our discordㅤOur discord is used for both IC and OOC communication. (link to come)

  • Third-party addonsㅤAs a free company we do not endorse the use of third-party addons. However, some members may make use of these addons. We do not encourage or permit the discussion of third-party addons in-game.



Doman Refugees come to Ul'dah

Garlemald invades Doma; Nyte Snow begins to work as a spy for the resistance and does so for nearly five years before her ring is broken, and she has to flee to Eorzea.Once there, she finds herself treated like an outsider, a refugee piece of trash. She vows revenge against the elite of Ul'dah.


The Urchin Army is born

Witnessing the plight of other refugees, both from Doma and from the calamity, Nyte vows to make a change. Using her limited wealth to purchase a restaurant, and uses her income to support the street kids of the city.In return for meals, clothes, and shelter, these kids become Nyte's eyes and ears.


Punishing the Rich

The best revenge against the rich and immoral elite of Ul'dah is forcing them to spend their ill-gotten gains on bettering the lives of the poor and down-trodden.Using the knowledge brought to her by her urchin army, Nyte begins a campaign of blackmail against Ul'dah's rich, forcing them to finance her philanthropic causes to keep her silence.


The Siege of Sorrows

With the unrest from the Siege of Sorrows (See events of Endwalker), an old enemy emerges to kidnap Nyte. The bunkhouses in which she housed her urchin army are razed and the youth stolen and sold into slavery.A concerted effort of allies rescue the urchin army, and later, help rescue Nyte.


Burn it All

The horrors of the kidnapping and urchin-napping result in a long, low, and quiet period of silence from Nyte and the Urchin Army.Whispers of the Army's return comes when one of Ul'dah's dark secrets, a child brothel, burns to the ground with its owners and clients inside -- but the staff escape.


The Slave Heist

Seeking medication for a surgery, a plot is discovered to sell many into slavery at an auction in the Brume. The Urchin Army, for the first time, mobilizes beyond its Ul'dah roots and investigates - then disrupts - the auction. Buyers and organizers alike are slain and the slaves escape. But a trail is left for the Urchins to follow...


The Mad Visions

Being written as we live and breathe.


The Battered Doctor

Being written as we live and breathe.


Yet to come...

Being written as we live and breathe.


If your character wishes to right the wrongs imposed upon the weak, helpless, and disenfranchised, the Urchin Army is a great choice.
Is your character a former street kid who has managed to survive to adulthood and wishes to help others who are growing up in the same situation? You're an ideal recruit -- and maybe your backstory has you joining during your childhood.
Every bunkie that houses the children of the Urchin Army has a den mother or den father, a person who is vetted as safe and amazing. They provide guidance, sometimes firm, to help these kids grow up into healthy, solid adults.
Your character has all the privilege in the world; money, title, and connections. Despite this, you choose to use your privilege to better the lives of others.
On the surface, you're a brutish thug, a sleek thief, a trafficker of substances and people. Underneath, you're a supporter of the Urchin Army, one who uses what they know about the criminal inside to help dismantle the bad guys.
Teachers, healers, priests and clerics, household servants, and shopkeepers -- all able to help provide opportunities for the urchins of the army to learn about the real world -- and learn roles and skills that make them ideal spies.



Matron | Nyte Snow

[Nyte Snow]

The Matron

A Doman refugee who settled in Ul'dah during the Garlemald Occupancy, Nyte quickly lived and recognized the plight of the helpless and founded the Urchin Army.

General | Elivir Beaufoy

[Elivir Beaufoy]


A former inquisitor of the Orthodox Church of the Holy See, since the end of the Dragonsong War, he has renounced his place in the order and is just a simple priest, focusing instead on charity work.

General | Friday Derringer

[Friday Derringer]


An entertainer turned Resistance spy displaced after Dalmasca was conquered by the Empire. With the Garlean Empire crushed, he takes his skills where they're needed.

Lieutenant | R'ehan Tia

[R'ehan Tia]


A reluctant voice of reason within the Urchin Army, R'ehan Tia runs the Army's front, High Nunh Bar & Grill. He also handles Army logistics, and is Nyte's spine when hers falters. Absolutely loathes when people fight in the bar, but loves it when they fight right outside.

Lieutenant | Tasi'a Kugure

[Tasi'a Kugure]


A friend of Nyte's who stepped up when she began to recruit staff for High Nunh Bar & Grill, staff who could be double-agents for the Urchin Army. Tasi'a works the grill, but you can ask him for fried urchins to get a discreet message to the Army.

Soldier | Akako Rhikthi

[Akako Rhikthi]


A wandering miqo'te with a fondness for Archon Loaf, this energetic woman works the scene at High Nunh Bar & Grill. Her energy is contagious, her kindness legendary, and she'll defend the innocent with with her trusty gun and acid wit.

Soldier | Azena Namai

[Azena Namai]


A long-established accountant in Ul'dah who has made a name for herself for being incorruptable. Working as an independent auditor, Azena often runs afoul of those who have cooked their books -- and in need, she turns to the Army for succor.

Soldier | Crowe Breviceps

[Crowe Breviceps]


Not much is known about this Roegadyn except that he enjoys hurting those who hurt innocent folks. Of Garlean origin, no one knows what brought Crowe west, but no one has taken the time yet to ask, either.

Soldier | Eko Rehw-Setlas

[Eko Rehw-Setlas]


A viera from Turali who came east to across the Great Salt to put as great a distance as he could from painful memories and sorrow, Eko has found new purpose in the Urchin Army. It doesn't mend his broken heart, but it eases the ache.

Soldier | Keitha Dracht

[Keitha Dracht]


A woman of striking looks and a mysterious background, Keitha employs what she's been given, or cursed with depending on point of view, to the absolute best effect, and enjoys watching the corrupted squirm under her heel.

Soldier | Paracelsus Trithemius

[Paracelsus Trithemius]


With no other companionship despite his wishes for stout allies by his side, he took the opportunity she had given to him of serving the Urchin Army - the same people he had deemed worthy of not only his blade but his servitude, though he would never admit it.

Soldier | S'ypha Bhelnash

[S'ypha Bhelnash]


This street-wise miqo'te from Ul'dah threw in with the Urchin Army after she needed a safe place to find work and was recommended to Nyte. Nyte took the girl under her wing, and though S'ypha often finds herself stuck with mundane tasks, she's the only one Nyte trusts with them.

Soldier | Valvar Djt-Setlas

[Valvar Djt-Setlas]


A scholarly companion to Veranthius, Valvar lends his abilities as a healer and researcher to the Urchin Army. While less visible than Veranthius, Valvar is never far behind, and his compassion for those in physical and emotional pain is legendary.

Soldier | Veranthius Almora

[Veranthius Almora]


A visit to High Nunh Bar & Grill to get a few drinks and grub with friends turned into a solid partnership and buy-in with the purpose of the Urchin Army. Veranthius rarely misses an opening, always ready to take on contracts from folk in desperate need.

Soldier | Voyce Yarborough

[Voyce Yarborough]


A wandering priest of Oschon, Voyce threw in with the Urchin Army as he cannot abide the slavery of children. This philanthropy and faith hides a dark secret, though, one he fears the Army will discover.

Soldier | X'ohta Nunh

[X'ohta Nunh]


A friend of Veranthius, this miqo'te man is proud of his status as a leader of a small X tribe. However, his experience in the world is obviously less than ideal, and he has a terrible weakness to anything alcoholic.

Soldier | X'mono Mino

[X'mono Mino]


X'ohta's quiet shadow, this shy woman is not used to big crowds and cities. But put her in a situation where a weapon inhand is the solution and you'll see her shine. As she comes out of her shell, she becomes more and more part of the Urchin Army.

Soldier | Yvesoix Sellemontiere

[Yvesoix Sellemontiere]


Not all elezen from Ishgard come from the ruling class, and Yvesoix is a perfect example of a rough-and-tumble Brume sort. Glad to stomp on corruption and greed that negatively impacts the poor and disadvantaged of the Brume, Yvesoix threw in with the Urchin Army.

Soldier | Rhel Karrvandrare

[Rhel Karrvandrare]


Fate is a fickle thing, flicked into dreams in fragments to be deciphered by those willing to listen. Even the most dedicated can only do so much on their own. A brief, sought meeting of destiny behind the closed doors of the High Nuhn saw Rhel make his case to aid the downtrodden and despairing.

Soldier | Benio Zena

[Benio Zena]


A long-lived giant of a viera, Benio joined the Urchin Army out of a lack of anything better to do. Long a mercenary without morals, the Army is slowly awakening his long-dormant sense of right and wrong, as is a mad miqo'te.

Soldier | Dizih Yhoye

[Dizih Yhoye]


Driven mad by her visions, and led to the army by the same, Dizih mostly remains associated since no one knows what to do with her -- and because she's attached herself to Benio and Rhel.

Soldier | Magnus Quinn

[Magnus Quinn]


A Sharlayan-trained doctor, Magnus uses his skills to help those injured while helping the Urchin Army, as well as those too poor to find medical help elsewhere.

Soldier | Shadren Darkmantle

[Shadren Darkmantle]


A stop at a pop-up during a Mogstock festival changed Shadren's life, as a fondness for beer brought him back to High Nunh over and over -- and eventually into the Urchin Army.


[Welcome to BOLT into BATTLE]

A Custom Combat System by Friday

  • disclaimerㅤWe use a custom built role-play combat system developed by Friday. It has not been stress tested so we expect there to be growing pains and appreciate everyone's feedback as we test it out.

  • bolt basicsㅤBolt uses a simplified D&D style system with enemy AC (Armor Class) and D20 rolls meet and beat that AC number for successful punishment. Players in equal measure will have AC as well based on the way you choose to class your character. At its very most basic, Bolt is a game of beating thresholds and using your specific advantages to help yourself and your teammates.

  • Party rolesㅤCharacters are broken down into four basic roles: Tank, healer/support, ranged dps, and melee dps.

  • NoteㅤYou're not restrained to your job as it would guide you in FFXIV. One could play an alchemist specializing in being a healer by throwing potions and tonics or a great-sword wielding melee DPS. If your character has multiple skills they can use, you can keep a couple load-outs ready to use whenever it's time to go adventuring! Try not to overdo it though -- there's teammates with different skill sets too for a reason.

[Stat Breakdown]

Understanding your Character's Stats

At the beginning of every campaign, your character must declare the role he, she, or they will fill during the campaign. This doesn't mean the role can't change later on, but a starting stat sheet must be prepared for every character.


AC - Your Armor Class, the roll needed to beat out of a /dice 20 to do damage to you! Enemies will also have AC to beat in the same way on your turn.HP - Health! Adjusted by job.Just ATK - This is the amount of damage your basic attack will do without any buffs or special skills involved. “I'm just attacking!”Just Heal - Just basic healing without any perks! This is for a single target. It has no AC roll requirement.You can pick whichever class you like and those will be your stats while using that loadout! While AC is important and the basic crux of hit/miss, just keep in mind the DM may make adjustments to suit the particular mission -- including forgoing AC altogether for a set of simple threshold rolls everyone has to beat to survive an attack for example -- like a large boss AOE (Think of it like raid-wide damage!).

[Organization of Combat]

Ordering the Chaos - hahaha help us, Oschon

There are two ways to order combat in BOLT, and the system can depend on the preference of the campaign DM, the number of participants, participant preference, or even the style of event. Be ready to participate in either!

Initiative Style - All players roll for initiative (which order they will go it) with the highest going first. Enemies will also be rolled for and mixed up within the player's turns. The DM may respond to attacks in groups/one at a time depending on their style and choice for that mission.Grouping Style - Players and Enemies will go in separate phases based on role. Here is how this order is broken down. Healer/Support, Ranged & Melee DPS, Tank, Enemy/Enemies.Grouping style might be selected for larger groups and adjustments can be made as needed for event style. On the first turn Healers/Support can use this time to prepare for oncoming damage, support opening DPS, interact with environmental hazards or just attack!

[Combat Bonuses]

Extras in Combat

Combat may involve extra elements - special skills, rebounds, limit breaks, potions/poisons, and more - what is or isn't allowed is determined by the campaign DM and the preparedness of the team!

Potions - An adventurer's best friend! Every player should be outfitted with an X number of these at the start of the mission. It's the DM's duty to let the group know how many potions they have on hand and how they work. A basic potion would heal 5 HP for a single target. A DM might need some wiggle room based on the number of healer/support characters in the mission. These are used on your turn.Rebound - Every player is entitled to two free re-rolls with a bonus an encounter. The DM can adjust this number as they like. For example A first rolls a 12 for a miss, they can rebound and give it another roll with a +1 to their second attempt. So if Character A rolls a 12 again, it's a 13 this time with the +1.Limit Break - The secret counter you’ll be building up through battle! By either landing 3 hits or taking 3 hits, you will fill up your Limit Break bar. It can be a combination of the two as well (example landing 1 hit, but taking 2 hits fills the counter). Here are the two options for what you can use this full bar to do!

  • One single strike on an enemy for twice your usual Just ATK, no AC roll required.

  • One AOE Heal across the board for allies, healing 6HP for each.

Special Skills - After picking a role, every player gets to pick 2 special skills from the chart below to outfit their kit. Some of these have restrictions on number of uses and can be adjusted by the DM for an event (example: your 2-time use skills will have 3 uses in this mission). All of these can be adjusted to whatever role-play flavor you like so this a place to really shine and make your character unique! Some may be specific to a roll and will be noted if so.

HEALER'S DELIGHTHealPlayer can augment their healing into a group-wide heal 2 times an encounter.

+3HP to all allies
2x each encounter
BIG CHEERHealOffers a single ally +3 to their next 3 AC-required attack rolls. Twice an encounter.

+3 to AC rolls
Next 3 rolls
2x each encounter
HOT HOT HOTHealHeal over time for one ally. Lasts for three of player's turns.

+2 HP for an ally
3x turns.
CHILD LEASHHealIt's Rescue. Forcibly yank an ally from perceived danger once per encounter.

Can only be used on allies that consent to it.
GREEN DPSHealAllows healer/support to add +1 to roll to AC and +1 to DMG, but next heal will be -2 HP. Penalty does not apply to LB.

+1 to rolls and dmg but -2 HP on next heal.
DPSGives +1 to dmg if consecutively attacking the same target. Bonus starts after two consecutive attacks and continue to stack to a max of +5 dmg. Bonus resets on target swap. (Passive)

Cannot stack with TIDIM. Only augments damage.

2 attacks against the same target = +1 to DMG each turn a DPS continues to attack the same target, max +5.

Resets upon target swap.
TURTLED TURTLESTankAllows them to hunker down and increase their AC by 2 and any allies behind them by 1 for the round.

+2 AC to Tanks
+1 AC to all allies behind Tank.
BRUTE JUSTICETankAdds +1 to DMG for each ally that suffers damage from previous round, max +3. (Passive)

+1 to dmg for each ally hurt in prev enemy turn, max +3
GET'EM BUDDY!Tank/DPSOn their own failed attack roll, they give an extra +2 to the roll of their nearest ally. Twice an encounter.

Failed Attack =
+2 to roll for an ally
2x an encounter
Tank/DPSIf having not received any healing or support for 3 turns, their next attack has increased damage and AC roll. (Passive)

No Support x3 turns
= +4 dmg to next ATK and +2 to roll.
AllDouble the number of rebound rolls for you on the mission (passive)

Base: x4 Rerolls with +1 to the roll
AllForgo all Rebound rolls for a flat +2 bonus to rolls. Passive for all roles.

+2 to AC rolls but no Rebound Rolls.
CRITICALLY DIRECTAllUpon rolling a 20 on an AC roll, immediately fill LB bar. If LB bar is already filled, may direct the bonus to an ally who’s bar is not. Must wait until next turn to use LB.

Roll 20 on AC = Immediate LB fill.
If LB full, transfer bonus to friend.